it is YOU who made my day!
Those who responded to my msn nick!( zhiyin 1994-1997, shixian 1997-2000,yuanfang 2000-2003 through snail mail,jiaqi 2001-2004 who called to wish me, guo yu 2001-2004 called despite of a bad flu,qiqi 2002-2005, lee min 2003-2006, huixin 2003-2006, shihui 2003-2006, jingyi 2003-2006 doing a powerpoint, jiaxin 2004-2007, yuanting 2004-2007 self made brownie)
my basketball c division 2001( meizhi, wanxin, xiuxian, shuling, jingyi, yanling) who celebrated as a team with me, not forgetting jingmei and yanqi!
my best form class 1e5 2000 ( shuqiao, meiqi, dingding for accompanying me for the whole morning, yifang for the sms, wenjie for sending me a snail mail)!
my oldest pupil who is also a chinese teacher ( wei yun) !
my oldest player who is a preschool teacher (mei xian,li ying) and the second oldest (huimin)!
my first batch of hostel PRC sholars ( chen yu, kunna)!
and those who showed care and concern ( suxian, shiling)!
Those who responded to my msn nick!( zhiyin 1994-1997, shixian 1997-2000,yuanfang 2000-2003 through snail mail,jiaqi 2001-2004 who called to wish me, guo yu 2001-2004 called despite of a bad flu,qiqi 2002-2005, lee min 2003-2006, huixin 2003-2006, shihui 2003-2006, jingyi 2003-2006 doing a powerpoint, jiaxin 2004-2007, yuanting 2004-2007 self made brownie)
my basketball c division 2001( meizhi, wanxin, xiuxian, shuling, jingyi, yanling) who celebrated as a team with me, not forgetting jingmei and yanqi!
my best form class 1e5 2000 ( shuqiao, meiqi, dingding for accompanying me for the whole morning, yifang for the sms, wenjie for sending me a snail mail)!
my oldest pupil who is also a chinese teacher ( wei yun) !
my oldest player who is a preschool teacher (mei xian,li ying) and the second oldest (huimin)!
my first batch of hostel PRC sholars ( chen yu, kunna)!
and those who showed care and concern ( suxian, shiling)!